No stranger to security woes, Twitter found itself under attack again Thursday night. Twitter says it’s working to figure out what happened and who’s responsible. eSecurity Planet has the details.
Twitter has fallen victim to yet another security breach, with hackers identifying themselves as member of the “Iranian Cyber Army” knocking the site offline for a brief time Thursday night.
Some of the site’s features remained available during the outage, and Twitter said its API was unaffected, so people were able to send messages through third-party applications.
“As some noticed, was redirected for a while but API and platform applications were working,” Twitter cofounder Biz Stone said in a blog post. “We will update with more information and details once we’ve investigated more fully.”
The site is working properly now, but for a couple hours Thursday night, visitors to were greeted with a screen displaying a Gmail address of the group and a message expressing opposition to American control over the Internet.