Liberty and Security in a Changing World: 46 Recommendation to Overhaul NSA Surveillance

The report titled, “Liberty and Security in a Changing World,” offers 46 recommendations to improve and overhaul U.S. Intelligence activities. The task force report was ordered by President Barack Obama on Aug. 27 to determine what could be done to assuage concerns about over-reaching government snooping while defending the strategic national interests of the United States. The report emphasizes the critical importance that intelligence serves and stresses that data-collection efforts should continue, but with some new guidelines.

“The ability of the United States to combat threats from state rivals, terrorists and weapons proliferators depends on the acquisition of foreign intelligence information from a broad range of sources and through a variety of methods,” the report states. “In an era increasingly dominated by technological advances in communications technologies, the United States must continue to collect signals intelligence globally in order to assure the safety of our citizens at home and abroad and to help protect the safety of our friends, our allies, and the many nations with whom we have cooperative relationships.”

Read the full story at eWEEK:
Obama Task Force Makes Recommendations for US Surveillance Overhaul

Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

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