In total, Microsoft is fixing at least 34 vulnerabilities across its software portfolio.
Once again, Microsoft’s IE browser is strongly represented in the Patch Tuesday list of fixed flaws. The MS13-055 advisory fixes no less then 17 flaws in Microsoft web browser.
“Internet Explorer vulnerabilities this month made up exactly half of the CVEs addressed in the July bulletin,” Craig Young, Tripwire security researcher said. “This is particularly alarming because 16 of the 17 issues addressed are memory corruption vulnerabilities — many of which Microsoft expects could be reliably exploited in the next 30 days.”
The 17 flaws fixed in the July Patch Update follow 19 flaws that Microsoft patched in June.
Read the full story at eSecurity Planet:
Microsoft Patches TrueType Font and IE Flaws
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.