There is a new outbreak of activity from a hacking effort FireEye has dubbed “Molerats,” the security firm is reporting. FireEye has been seeing Molerats activity since October 2012 and saw a specific uptick in activity between April 29 and May 27 of this year, with attacks targeting a U.S. financial institution as well as European government institutions.
The Molerats activity comes from the Middle East, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that a specific nation-state is behind the attacks. “We believe that the Molerats activity we are tracking may be related to a group known as the Gaza Hackers Team,” Ned Moran, senior malware researcher at FireEye, told eWEEK. “We have nothing linking these actors back to a nation-state sponsor.”
Read the full story at eWEEK:
Molerats Cyber-Attack Activity Escalating
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.