Mozilla Deploys Minion to Ease Security

Mozilla is now advancing the state of its open source Minion security testing framework with a 0.3 release.

“The idea of Minion is to provide highly accurate results in a single, easy to use tool so developers can make their applications more secure,”Michael Coates, Director of Security Assurance at Mozilla said. “Just as it is easy to code for the web, we’d like to make it easier to secure those same web applications.”

As a framework, Minion integrates with other open source security tools and is extensible via a plugin architecture. Currently Minion integrates OWASP Zed Attack Proxy, Skipfish and NMAP.

“Minion is able to detect the types of application security failures that plague many applications on the web,” Coates said.

Read the full story at Datamation:
Mozilla Grows Peach Fuzz with Blackberry; Debuts Security Minion

Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

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