A leading advocacy group looks to more actively shape the debate when it comes to Net privacy laws. Meanwhile, legislators and some of the largest Internet companies are signaling growing support for federal privacy safeguards or other action. eSecurity Planet takes a look.
WASHINGTON — As political momentum appears to be building for enacting tighter consumer privacy protections on the Internet, a prominent digital-rights group is launching a grassroots campaign to mobilize online users and press for legislation.
“We believe the stars are aligned right now to make a major push for a consumer privacy law,” said Leslie Harris, president and CEO of the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT).
CDT has long been an active participant in the policy debate over Internet privacy, one that has sparked considerable discussion throughout the decade, but little action on the part of lawmakers and regulators.
Today’s launch of the “Take Back Your Privacy” campaign comes on the eve of the first in a series of workshops the Federal Trade Commission will convene on the issue of digital privacy. In the meantime, House lawmakers have been crafting consumer privacy legislation and are expected to circulate a draft bill early next year.