“Companies should be gravely concerned … many employees may not believe that taking company data is equivalent to stealing. It highlights what I call a ‘moral grey area’ around ownership of electronic data.”
- Jackie Gilbert, SailPoint’s vice president of marketing and co-founder, on a Harris Interactive survey that found that almost 50 percent of American workers would be willing to steal corporate data — like customer lists, product plans and other intellectual property — when leaving their current position for a new job. (eSecurity Planet)
“The iPad is very much a device for consuming. What’s not out there is a tablet for creating, for production.”
- Alkesh Shah, an analyst at Evercore Partners, on reports that BlackBerry maker Research In Motion plans to introduce an iPad competitor called BlackPad. (Bloomberg)
“So it’s not just about keeping the lights on in the server room any more. The CEO looks at IT and the server room and it all seems too ‘twenty years ago.'”
- Mike Lingo, CTO of Astadia, talking about the advantage of cloud computing. Astadia offers a free IT Cloud Transformation ROI Calculator designed to help companies estimate the cost savings of moving to the cloud. (ServerWatch)
“It’s an extremely unsophisticated move by someone at Oracle to launch a patent-based lawsuit, and it’s clearly going to be a significant setback for their relationship with the broader open source community, which is a significant part of many of their products … It will significantly undermine their efforts to establish many of their major products like Java, Solaris and Oracle Unbreakable Linux, and in due course, I’ll imagine that they’ll quietly wish they hadn’t taken this approach.”
- Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth on Oracle’s patent lawsuit against Google regarding Android’s use of Java. (Datamation)
“I absolutely think we learn from failure, but getting people to talk about it honestly is not so easy. So I thought, why not try to start conversations about failure through an evening event with drinks and finger foods in a relaxed, informal atmosphere that would make it seem more like a party than a debriefing.”
- Katrin Verclas, a founder of MobileActive, talking about the Failure Faire events the non-profit group puts on to highlight — and learn from — tech failures in the developing world. The dubious “top prize” at one of the events was one of the educational laptops from the ill-fated One Laptop Per Child project. (New York Times)
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