Synopsys Acquires Cigital and Codiscope to Improve Security

Software firm Synopsys announced on November 7 that its acquiring privately-held security firms Cigital and Codiscope. Financial terms of the deal are not being publicly disclosed, though Synopsys expected the acquisitions to close by December 2016.

Cigital provides application security testing and  software security services while Codiscope is a spinoff from Cigital, providing security tools. Among Codiscope’s products is the Jack cloud-based tool that is intended to help developers build secure applications. Synopsys is a technology development vendor that has multiple divisions ranging from silicon to software

Read the full story at eWEEK:
Synopsys Bolsters Security Portfolio With Cigital, Codiscope Buys

Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

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