[VIDEO] Inside the Black Hat 2013 Wi-Fi Network

LAS VEGAS: There are a lot of rooms at the Black Hat security conference. Off to the side in an unmarked location is the Wi-Fi control room for what is arguably one of the most hostile network environments anywhere on the planet.

This year the task of delivering Wi-Fi to the thousands of hackers that attend the conference falls to Wi-Fi vendor Xirrus. In previous years, rival Wi-Fi vendor Aruba has delivered the wireless connectivity.

In an exclusive video interview with eSecurity Planet Mike Rydalch, principal technologist at Xirrus details how Wi-Fi is delivered at Black Hat and what challenges the network faces.

Read the full story at eSecurity Planet:
Inside the Black Hat 2013 Wi-Fi Network

Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at InternetNews.com. Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

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