Lots of e-commerce sites struggle through upgrades while trying not to lose a
single sale, but online bookstore Borders.com is taking a different approach
— they’re shutting down for the weekend beginning at 6 p.m. Friday.
The site, operated by Borders Group Inc., will be
rejuvenated with upgrades in every area from commerce to content, and
reopened on Monday, the company said.
A completely rebuilt commerce engine is the most significant of the changes,
said Tami Heim, president of Borders Books and Music stores and Borders.com.
Shoppers at Borders.com will no longer be required to register before moving
through the order process or even to check out, though customers may continue
to store their shipping and credit information online for easy retrieval.
A new graphic design will be implemented, including an updated color scheme
and page layouts, as well as new editorial features,
“The enhanced site is based on the idea of customer choice,” Heim said.
“Customer feedback, which we have aggressively solicited since the debut of
Borders.com, was a key driver of the changes we’ve made. We’ve studied the
state of the art in customer
interaction and spent months defining how customers move through our site and
order products.”