Electronic billing firm CheckFree Monday joined with
Ameren Corp. to offer Ameren customers an online option of receiving and
Based in St. Louis, Ameren is an energy company serving 1.8 million
customers in Missouri and Illinois.
Under terms of the agreement, Ameren customers will be able to access and
pay bills through financial institution Web sites or payment software that
has integrated Checkfree’s E-Bill payment service. E-Bill is found in
approximately 850 financial institutions and in Quicken software.
“Ameren has always been on the cutting edge of customer service,” said
Peter J. Kight, chairman and chief executive officer of CheckFree.
“Becoming one of the first companies to offer electronic bill presentment
is another example of its leadership. Ameren is about to make bill payment
a complete, non-paper, electronic round-trip for its customers that use the
E-Bill service.”
Ameren is one of a growing number of U.S. companies to offer electronic
bill presentment and payment. Other companies working with CheckFree
include AT&T, BellSouth, CUNA Mutual Group, HomeSide
Lending, and the Small Business Administration.