Adds CNet Database

Price comparison service ClickTheButton added CNet’s database of computer and technology
products and prices to range of shopping categories.

The deal extends ClickTheButton’s comparative search capabilities to include
more than 100 additional merchants and thousands of computer and technology

The CNet database of computer products and prices will be integrated into
ClickTheButton’s online shopping service. ClickTheButton compares prices
across the Web, links to trusted merchants and introduces shoppers to various
outlets across the Internet. Together, the two will offer a co-branded

Financial arrangements were not disclosed.

ClickTheButton’s free downloadable software installs on the consumer’s
desktop. Shoppers browse the Web, find a product they would like to buy, and
then ClickTheButton to locate online stores selling that product. The list
includes URL links and prices, including shipping, handling and tax.

“This new relationship with CNet reflects our commitment to bringing
ClickTheButton shoppers the best and most up-to-date pricing information,”
said Cheyenne Ehrlich, founder and CEO of

“We see this as
the first of many planned rollouts of consumer categories and price
comparison services we will be bringing to our customers.”

Currently, consumers can use ClickTheButton to obtain price information for
books, movies, music and toys.

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