E-commerce marketing site CoolSavings, which offers consumers
coupons, rebates, savings notices, free samples and gift certificates from
national e-commerce and brick and mortar retailers, said it has reached the five
million member mark.
In the fourth quarter of 1999 alone, the site registered more than 1 million
new members, the company said.
Advertisers on coolsavings.com include Kids “R” Us, Service Merchandise,
PETsMART.com, barnesandnoble.com, eToys, BigStar.com and CDNow among others.
CoolSavings offers consumers a variety of savings opportunities in exchange
for self-reported household demographic information. Members’ profile
information is enhanced the more they use the site, as each clip/click that a
member makes on the site is saved
at the household profile level.
Personal information is confidential, the
company says, but this detailed demographic and behavioral pattern data helps
to target the offers and savings opportunities from merchants.