Escalate Signs E-Commerce Tech Alliances

E-commerce service provider Escalate Inc. signed technology alliances
with Sun Microsystems, VeriSign and GlobalCenter allowing it to offer
secure, scaleable infrastructure for its outsourced e-commerce offerings.

Now, by subscribing to the Escalate commerce network, clients can be selling
online in less than six weeks, the company said. The alliance technologies
support Escalate’s pre-built commerce network, which is the foundation of its
e-commerce service offerings.

“Our close relationship with Sun and VeriSign, providers of robust Internet
servers, software, and (security) services, enables us to ensure our commerce
network will handle the high volume of secure transactions our customers
require,” said Keng Lim, president and chief executive officer of Escalate. “By teaming with a
leading provider like GlobalCenter for our data center, we can offer the
complete set of infrastructure software and hosting services”

Escalate’s integrated e-selling service is comprised of an end-to-end
e-commerce management system including product catalogs, integrated vendor
supply chain, and service provider network. Clients include Egreetings and
Quokka Sports.

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