Real-time search has attracted the major players in search, all of whom have incorporated Twitter feeds and other social network results into their search engines. Datamation has the story.
SANTA CLARA, Calif. – The major players in search agree on one thing – providing real-time results from social networks like Twitter is important to their strategy of getting users the most relevant results. What they don’t agree on is the best way to do it.
“I think they’re all learning, what we’re seeing today is not the final product,” Danny Sullivan, editor-in-chief of SearchEngineLand, told
Sullivan moderated a panel discussion here with representatives from Google (NASDAQ: GOOG), Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) and Yahoo (NASDAQ: YHOO) on the topic of how the major search engines were using real-time results.
All three companies, speaking at the Search Marketing Expo, have licensed access to Twitter’s so-called firehose, the data stream of millions of tweets sent out daily.
One example of the differences is in integration. Microsoft has chosen to display Twitter results in a separate Twitter page; Google and Yahoo integrate Twitter and real-time results into their main results pages.