In its 12th year of production, Intel’s Celeron processor is still used a variety of desktop and notebook computers around the world. The fact that it’s almost a non-factor in the U.S. hasn’t dissuaded the chipmaker from keeping it alive.
But as Hardware Central reports, at least one publication is claiming the end is near for Celeron as it continues to lose share and relevance to other processors, most notably Atom.
If and when Intel does finally lay Celeron to rest, analysts say the company will need to develop a robust marketing campaign in international markets where Celeron still has relevance in order to transition consumers to the new product names and get them to identify with the new name.
Intel has been on an austerity kick for the last few years, streamlining its operations anywhere it can. Killing off a product line that has become redundant would seem like a good move, but Massimini said there’s still too much of a market.
Intel on Friday denied reports out of Asia that it will sunset its Celeron line of low-end x86 processors. The story first emerged in a Taiwanese tech publication with connections to the nation’s computer manufacturers.
The story in DigiTimes said Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) had informed notebook partners it plans to reduce Celeron production in favor of Pentium and dual-core Atom N processors, with a complete phase-out of the Celeron line in 2011.
Barry Sum, an Intel spokesman in Hong Kong, told Computerworld in an e-mail: “The rumor is not true, Intel has no plan to phase out the Celeron brand in 2011. Intel Celeron processors continue to provide a low-cost computing solution for basic computing needs.”
A spokesperson for Intel in the U.S. told that it would not comment on rumor and speculation, but said the company did approve of Sum’s comment.