AMD may still be David to Intel’s Goliath, but the firm is gradually building its market share. Analysts credit AMD for its new multi-core offerings, which they say will help net it a greater share of the server market in future products.
Datamation has the latest analysis of AMD and its competitive prospects in the processor market.
Advanced Micro Devices has been gaining sales momentum over the past year and is continuing to gain market share, but only a portion of that share is coming from Intel. The rest has come by growing the market, according to market research firm iSuppli.
In addition, AMD (NYSE: AMD) is doing better on the server side with its new multi-core Opteron processors and has reserved the slide there as well, says financial analyst Broadpoint.Amtech.
iSuppli found that AMD’s overall market share has been slowly increasing all year. In the fourth quarter of 2008, it stood at 10.5 percent. In the third quarter of 2009, it was 11.9 percent, and for the fourth quarter it was 12.1 percent.