Novell Inc. delivered an app called
“instantme,” an instant messaging client designed for business communications
on the Internet.
Targeted at businesses, the company said that instantme extends the ability
for users to communicate in real-time with partners, suppliers and customers
as well as take part in private conversations that demand quick response.
In addition, instantme users can create and manage group lists, monitor when
their associates and co-workers are online, and communicate with AOL’s Buddy
List Network, the largest instant messaging community.
Novell said it plans to release a secure version of instantme in the second
quarter that will integrate encryption and digital certificates in order to
increase trust between two or more parties and ensure integrity and
confidentiality of messages exchanged over the Internet.
instantme leverages Novell’s NDS eDirectory and “digitalme” identity services
platform. Using the directory, instantme stores users’ business contact
information and makes it
available from anywhere on the Net. By offering roaming capabilities and
real-time access to important contact information, digitalme allows users to
respond quickly to urgent matters no matter where they are or what station
they’re working from.
“Today’s instant messaging products are focused on enabling
consumer-to-consumer communication. While these products have become
ingrained in the consumer market, enterprises have started to realize the
need to deliver a communication medium for quick messages,” said Dave Shirk,
senior vice president of product management at Novell.
“Novell is addressing
the enterprise market with instantme. It enables e-businesses to quickly
communicate with co-workers and trading partners on the Internet.”
instantme is a free download from here.