Analysts Laud Microsoft’s Dynamics CRM

No doubt that customer-relationship management (CRM) is a dynamic and competitive field. That should give Microsoft reason to smile, now that two of the more prominent market research shops in the tech industry have awarded it top marks in the category.

Those would be Gartner and Forrester, who have both given Microsoft’s Dynamics CRM the highest ranking in the category in recent analyses. And Microsoft is hoping to top itself with the forthcoming release of Dynamics CRM 2011. eCRM Guide takes a look.

Two leading analyst firms have rated Microsoft’s customer relationship management (CRM) software as a leader in that market.

Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) announced that Gartner has rated its Dynamics CRM package as a leader in its Magic Quadrant for Sales Force Automation in July.

Read the full story at eCRM Guide:

Analysts Give Microsoft Dynamics CRM High Marks

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