CSC is one of the largest independent IT services providers left in the U.S., and in addition to providing support and services to government and private industry, it also has a considerable application hosting business. As the world moves from hosting to the cloud, so is CSC. It’s broadening the services it has and rolling out some new ones this week, with more services to come later this year, reports Datamation.
IT services provider CSC has announced a significant expansion of its cloud services offerings. By consolidating old systems into new, multi-core servers, CSC wound up with a lot of empty space in the data centers. So what else to do with that floor space but put in more hardware?
“When you do a lot of virtualization as we’ve been doing, you get a lot of space back and a lot of energy back. We’re using that to launch new services next to our existing hosting services,” Siki Giunta, vice president of cloud computing and cloud services at CSC, told