The escalating competition between Google and Apple has become a well-established storyline in the IT industry. Nowhere is the rivalry more evident than in mobile, and rarely has it seen a more colorful airing than in the comments of Tim Bray, the Sun veteran who is now joining Google’s Android team.
Linux Planet has the story about Bray’s comments on Apple and its vision for the mobile future, as well as the details about how the Canadian programmer won the job with Google — on his own terms.
In the growing war of words between Apple and Google, Google just picked up a very sharp tongue with many followers. Even without writing a line of code, his impact will be felt through his blog and tweets.
One month after resigning from Oracle and after spending a few days teasing it on Twitter, Tim Bray, the co-creator of XML and one of Sun’s more prominent personalities, has resurfaced with Google to work on the Android platform.
At Google, Bray will assume the title and position of Developer Advocate, which he admits is a bit fluid at this point. He also admits that he has a lot to learn about Android, the Google-backed open source mobile platform, and is not totally sure of what his job will entail. Bray plans to bring himself up to speed on HTML 5 and write an Android app to learn the platform.