Microsoft Only Has Two Bugs to Squash for March

Engineers will be much happier to note that this month’s patch from Microsoft will be a lot easier than last month, which was one of the largest patches ever from Microsoft. This time around, you only have two bugs to fix. Datamation goes into details.

Microsoft released its advance notice for next week’s “Patch Tuesday” bug fixes and, for a change, system administrators should have a fairly peaceful week, since there are only two bugs ranked as “important” to patch this time around.

In order to make life a little easier for system managers, Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) releases all, or most, of its monthly bug fixes on the second Tuesday of the month — thus, it’s called “Patch Tuesday.”

To give those managers some warning as to how much time and resources to dedicate to patching Microsoft bugs each month, the company releases an advance notification regarding how many patches and their severity on the Thursday prior.

However, the company only gives out minimal information in advance of the actual release of the Security Bulletins that contain that the patches — and a more detailed explanation of any vulnerabilities.

Read the full story at Datamation:

Only Two Bugs to Squash for March ‘Patch Tuesday’

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