From a technical organizational perspective, the open-source MidoNet project is the upstream code. Johnson noted that Midokura will then occasionally pull down a MidoNet release and turn it into a Midokura Enterprise MidoNet (MEM) release. This week’s release is MEM 1.8, which is based off of MidoNet 2015.01.
“MEM adds a couple different closed source components on top of open source MidoNet, namely MidoNet Manager, our graphical user interface for administrators, as well as our vSphere plugin,” Johnson said.
Among the features that Midokura is working on for future MidoNet and MEM releases is improved IPv6 address support. IPv6 address support was a key area of focus in the OpenStack Juno release in 2014 and will find its way into MidoNet in the second quarter of 2015.
Read the full story at Enterprise Networking Planet:
Midokura Pushes Open Source SDN Forward
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.