OpenStack Cloud Gets Open-Source Certifications

Rather than relying on vendor-specific certifications, a new effort being led by OpenStack vendor Mirantis is aiming to open-source certification for the cloud. The new effort is different from an existing effort known as Refstack.

Boris Renski, co-founder of Mirantis, explained to eWEEK that Refstack is about defining a set of API-level tests for specific OpenStack implementations (offered by cloud providers like Rackspace) and OpenStack distributions to pass in order to be able to call themselves OpenStack.

“What we are doing is about exposing objective information with regard to drivers and plug-ins that third-party vendors write (like NetApp, VMware, Ceth, etc.) about compatibility with particular versions of OpenStack,” Renski said.

Read the full story at eWEEK:
OpenStack Cloud Goes Open for Vendor Certification

Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

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