Red Hat (NYSE:RHT) sees opportunity in providing an integrated platform as a service (PaaS) offering for the cloud that enables Java developers. To that end, Red Hat today announced that its JBoss Application Server 7 is now integrated with the OpenShift PaaS, providing an easy on-ramp to the cloud for Java.
“I feel like this development model for Java will power the next generation of mobile, social and cloud scale applications,” Isaac Roth, PaaS Master at Red Hat said during a press conference announcing the new release.
Roth added that when combined with OpenShift, the management, scaling and operational aspects are all handled by a service.
“You can just go off and create the next wonderful social platform and leave the scaling to us,” Roth said.
Roth noted that Red Hat has done multiple levels of optimization and integration throughout all levels of the cloud delivery stack that power OpenShift. Those levels include AS 7 as well as Red Hat Enterprise Linux.