Weave Net 1.5 Opens up to Container Networking Interface

Weaveworks is now embracing the new Container Networking Interface (CNI) standard used by Kubernetes.

Weaveworks COO Mathew Lodge explained that Weave Net emulates an layer 2 network. On each Docker host it looks like a virtual Ethernet bridge. Between Docker hosts it’s Layer 2 over VXLAN (Ethernet over IP tunnel), which is layer 2 over layer 3.

“CNI doesn’t assume Docker Network; it allows the plug-in to determine what the network capabilities are,” Lodge explained. “So there’s more scope for the network to define what the capabilities are.”

That said, Lodge noted that overall, Weave lets applications use the same network approach on both Docker and Kubernetes, regardless of what interface is used.

Read the full story at Enterprise Networking Planet:
Weaveworks Embraces Container Network Interface for SDN

Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at InternetNews.com. Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

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