Wholesale Digital Subscriber Line provider New Edge Networks Inc. Thursday
received the regulatory approvals to deploy high-speed services in New
Jersey, North Dakota and Tennessee.
By completing its competitive local exchange carrier certification in the
three states, New Edge Networks is authorized to provide DSL services in
new locations.
New Edge Networks plans to offer its DSL service through local, regional
and national Internet service providers. The company plans to provide-high
speed access to the Internet and data networks in all 50 states by early
next year.
Brian McDonald, New Edge Networks vice president of marketing, said the
wholesale DSL provider believes in taking its high-speed services to places
other companies don’t serve.
“By introducing DSL services smaller towns, New Edge Networks, with our
ISPs and other communication services partners, is helping close the
digital divide separating those who have access to this technology from
those who do not.”
While awaiting state approvals, New Edge Networks negotiated
interconnection agreements with the incumbent telephone companies and filed
for collocation space in more than 1,000 central offices.
Based in Vancouver, Washington, New Edge Networks currently provides
service in more than 50 locations in Washington, Oregon, Colorado and