After barely two months on the job,’s Chief Financial Officer Cindy Horowitz resigned Wednesday. said Horowitz left for personal reasons and that it has begun a search for a new CFO.
Horowitz was hired in July but stepped into her role at in September. In October, she took over the duties Vice President of Finance Alan Breitman when he retired. Breitman was one of the architects of’s financial success, guiding it through its road show and IPO and helping transition the company into the second largest registrar in the industry.
Questions surrounding Horowitz’s abrupt departure were further intensified by an accompanying announcement that will host a conference call on Friday to “provide further guidance on its fourth quarter 2000 and 2001 financial outlook.”
On Oct. 19, released third quarter financial results reflecting almost break-even earnings with a net loss of only $145,000, or zero cents per share. Analysts have forecast earnings of two cents per share for the company’s fourth quarter and have also projected the company will have four quarters in the positive column in 2001 for a total gain of 22 cents per share for that fiscal year. said the conference call and Horowitz’s resignation are unrelated, adding that it has been planning such a call since third quarter results were announced.