9 articles written

Dan Orzech


Can EDI Survive XML Challenge?

In a hushed exhibit hall in the British Museum...

Cutting the Wires at Novell

To see what the network of the future will...

Massive Linux Computing Grid to Tackle Breast Cancer

A new grid computing network in British hospitals promises...


BEA Shares Buffeted by Threat from Jboss

Shares of BEA Systems briefly dropped nearly 10 percent last week, as word spread on Wall Street of recent gains by the open source application server Jboss. According to industry sources, GE's supply division is...

Cutting the Wires at Novell

To see what the network of the future will look like, just head to Provo, Utah. There, at the headquarters of software maker Novell Inc, you will find a wireless network that gives...

Is Microsoft Licensing Forcing Banks to Break The Law?

Lester Warby is the kind of guy who reads the fine print. And the fine print for the latest updates to Microsoft Windows has him worried. Warby -- who is the chief information officer...

Massive Linux Computing Grid to Tackle Breast Cancer

A new grid computing network in British hospitals promises to gives doctors a new tool in the fight against breast cancer. The stakes are high: breast cancer strikes approximately one in every eight...

WLAN Software Turns PDAs Into Cell Phones

Imagine using your PDA instead of your cell phone to make calls -- and not paying anything for the privilege. That's the promise held out by a new "softphone," produced by TeleSym Inc....

Can EDI Survive XML Challenge?

In a hushed exhibit hall in the British Museum in London sits an unimposing slab of black rock. On its face, in three different ancient scripts, the ancient Egyptians carved a decree praising...

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