59 articles written

David Miller


What Keeps Twitter Chirping Along

It's practically impossible to find a story that doesn't...

Report Details DMCA Misuses

A new report from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)...

Jennifer Aniston: We’re Coming for Your Sweater

SANTA MONICA, Calif. -- For almost a decade now,...


Wikipedia’s Wales Urges Ad Buyers to Get Buying

SAN FRANCISCO -- Marketers, if you've steered clear of placing ads on user-generated content sites, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has a message for you: Stop fretting and start buying space. During his keynote here...

What Keeps Twitter Chirping Along

It's practically impossible to find a story that doesn't darkly point out that the microblogging service Twitter has no revenue model, yet despite that concern, all the complaints about unreliable service, the rants about...

Does Facebook Connect Go Far Enough?

Does the world really crave a more social web? Judging by the mixed response to this week's rollout of Facebook Connect, the answer is a definite maybe. Facebook Connect enables users of the social networking...

Why MySpace, MTV See Profits in Piracy

Yo ho! It appears that media companies have finally found a way to profit from digital pirates’ booty. MySpace and MTV Networks announced plans yesterday to use a video identification technology developed by Auditude to...

‘Hollyweird’ About Digital Video

SANTA MONICA, Calif. -- Online and off, Content still rules. But that doesn't necessarily translate into a universal happiness in the media business, especially in a content town like Hollywood. The problem, as some content...

The P2P Debate Rages on in Hollywood

SANTA MONICA, Calif. - P2P -- friend or foe of the entertainment industry? The battle raged on at the Digital Hollywood Conference on Thursday, with plenty of some times rowdy audience participation at a...

Jennifer Aniston: We’re Coming for Your Sweater

SANTA MONICA, Calif. -- For almost a decade now, marketers have dreamed of a world where consumers watching a video or TV show could click on products that they liked and instantly purchase them....

Tracking Success in Online Ads’ Brave New World

SANTA MONICA, Calif. -- Few things thrill online advertisers more than metrics -- those magic statistics that, at least in theory, enable them to know exactly who is viewing their ads and whether those...

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