18 articles written

Henry Newman


Linux File Systems: You Get What You Pay For

I am frequently asked by potential customers with high...

Using Solid State Drives for Enterprise Storage

Solid-state drives, those "hard drives" that are actually memory-based...

Xbox, PS3 and Wii: The Future of Storage

This might sound a little weird coming from...


Using Solid State Drives for Enterprise Storage

Solid-state drives, those "hard drives" that are actually memory-based and retain the data after the computer is powered down, are finding greater acceptance in the enterprise than anywhere else. Enterprises can never have enough...

Tips on Storage Architecture for E-Discovery

In the last couple of years, the whole concept of e-discovery has changed the way organizations view information and given rise to a myriad of solutions aimed at meeting e-discovery mandates. Since this column...

Linux File Systems: Ready for the Future?

My article three weeks ago on Linux file systems set off a firestorm unlike any other I've written in the decade I've been writing on storage and technology issues. My intentions were to relate my...

Linux File Systems: You Get What You Pay For

I am frequently asked by potential customers with high I/O requirements if they can use Linux instead of AIX or Solaris. No one ever asks me about high-performance I/O -- high IOPS or high...

Building a Perfect Storage World

Four years ago, I dreamt about what it would be like to be able to create my perfect storage product (I know what you're thinking — I probably need to get out more)....

Storage Horizon 2008: Looking Back, Looking Ahead

It's time once again to look back on the storage predictions I made a year ago and look ahead at what might be in our storage future for 2008 and beyond. We'll start with...

Xbox, PS3 and Wii: The Future of Storage

This might sound a little weird coming from a lifelong propeller head, but the last home video game I played was Pong back in the 1970s, and that was because one of my...

How iSCSI Lost the War

It wasn't too long ago that iSCSI vendors were claiming they were going to take over the world and leave Fibre Channel (FC) storage and SANs in the dust, and many industry pundits...

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