18 articles written
Jeff Vance
Is Your Blog Leaking Trade Secrets?
While organizations scramble to protect themselves against the next...
Opinion: To Ban or Not To Ban: iPhone in the Enterprise
When David O’Berry, IT director for the South Carolina...
Opinion: Are You Ready for the All Wireless Workplace?
With 802.11n offering performance and security on par with...
Virtualization Adoption Trails Off
Virtualization has been touted as the Next Big Thing for several years now, even by companies that would ostensibly suffer from customers buying one server instead of ten. So what's happening, and what's behind...
Opinion: To Ban or Not To Ban: iPhone in the Enterprise
When David O’Berry, IT director for the South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services, was quoted in a Wall Street Journal story titled “Why IT Hates the iPhone,” he was inundated with...
The Future of VMware
Much has been made of the recent CEO change at VMware, but what does it really tell us about the future of the company?
Yes, the consensus is that former CEO Diane Greene clashed...
Opinion: Are You Ready for the All Wireless Workplace?
With 802.11n offering performance and security on par with cabled Ethernet, why wouldn’t you embrace wireless? This, anyway, is the vision of WLAN equipment vendors. The most telling slogan is Motorola’s: “Wireless by default,...
Is Your Blog Leaking Trade Secrets?
While organizations scramble to protect themselves against the next big TJX-style data breach, they're overlooking another risk: social networking. Nearly every organization has an in-house blogger -- officially or not.
It doesn't have to...
What’s Going on with WiMax?
If your company has any interest in wireless data, you’ve likely heard about WiMax, the 802.16 wireless metropolitan-area network standard. Quite possibly you’ve even been put off by the hype surrounding this new technology,...
Five (Long) Steps Towards VoIP/WLAN Convergence
Two of the hottest networking trends in the enterprise, VoIP and WLANs, are on a collision course. And most IT managers see this as a good thing, hoping to replicate with voice the productivity...
Hotspot Road Trip, Part 8
Mario's Bohemian Cigar Store is a San Francisco throwback, as is much of this section of North Beach. There's tangible nostalgia for the beats, and Mario's bridges the past with the present. Inside,...