581 articles written

Judy Mottl


Survey: BlackBerry Tops in The Enterprise

Despite recent outages, and a court battle over patents...

Papermaster Cleared to Join Apple

With just a month to go before they were...

2009: A Bright Year for Smartphones and Storage?

Pull up a comfortable chair to the fireplace and...


Boring couple ask court to reconsider Google ruling

Aaron and Christine Boring of Pittsburgh, who lost their first court round in a five-count complaint against Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) earlier this month, are asking District Court Judge Amy Reynolds Hay to reconsider her...

Amazon relinquishes control on Kindle’s text-to-voice

Amazon late Friday night announced it would give authors and publishers access to disabling its newest Kindle 2 feature, the text-to-voice capability, which ignited a (/mobility/article.php/3802826) shortly after the e-reader arrived this month. Two days...

Clearwire Hanging Tough With 4G Plans

Clear sailing for Clearwire? Despite the rough economic headwinds, investors are holding firm on their vision of network's future with the venture. The $14.5 billion WiMAX project is a partnership between Sprint (NYSE: S) and...

BlackBerry Bold: Too Hot for Japan?

BlackBerry Bold. Click to enlarge.Source: RIM Retailers in Japan are pulling the BlackBerry Bold from store shelves over concerns that the smartphones are prone to overheating while charging. BlackBerry manufacturer Research in Motion (RIM) told InternetNews.com...

BlackBerry Bold too hot to handle in Japan

It seems that recharging Research in Motion's BlackBerry Bold can be a touchy issue. At least in Japan. Touchy as in hot as the smartphone's keyboard appears prone to overheating during the process. Japan's top mobile...

Nokia Seeks Volunteers for Cutting Labor Costs

Nokia is initiating a voluntary employee resignation program aimed at reducing its workforce by 1,000 jobs and launching several other voluntary initiatives to streamline personnel costs. The labor move announced Wednesday is a global...

Unlocked G1 Phones Blocked From Some Apps

Google's Android division is blocking unlocked G1 developer version handsets from downloading paid applications on the Android market. Google told InternetNews.com the policy is aimed at preventing casual user-to-user pirating of applications and only involves...

Another Yahoo Leader Jumps Ship

Yahoo mobile leader Marco Boerries is leaving his post as executive vice president after four years with the firm on the eve of what is expected to be a major internal reorganization at Yahoo...

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