14 articles written
Michael Hall
Review: Blue Line Innovations PowerCost Monitor — Wi-Fi Edition
Product: Blue Line Innovations PowerCost Monitor -- Wi-Fi Edition...
Review: Clear’s WiMAX Network in Portland, OR
Editor's Note: This article has been updated.
I’ve known for...
Networking Notes: Security Begins at Home
In addition to writing Networking Notes each week, I also manage a site devoted to networking in the enterprise.
"Enterprise IT" is a slippery concept. I once asked a developer who worked in fairly large...
Networking Notes: Four Things to Do Post-Ping
Maybe it's a little box that doles out IP addresses, provides NAT and offers e-z wireless connectivity. Or perhaps it's an operating system with enough wizards, control panels and big red buttons to open...
Networking Notes: 802.11nuh-Uh
If I told you I wanted to sell you a DVD player that wasn't guaranteed to play store-bought movies in color after Christmas, would you buy it? How about a wireless network card I...
Chatty Worm-Bot Coaxes Malware Download
IMlogic says a chatty new IM bot propagating over AOL's AIM network is out to convince users to download malware.
According to the company, IM.Myspace04.AIM impersonates infected AIM users and contacts people on their buddy...
WLAN Market Keeps Growing
Research firm Infonetics has reported a big jump in wireless LAN switch ports and revenue in the second quarter of 2005.
According to the company's latest Wireless LAN Equipment report, worldwide wireless LAN switch ports...
Report: WiMAX Off to Strong Sales Start
A research firm says revenue from WiMAX equipment sales are off to a good start, with a nearly eight-fold increase expected this year.
According to Infonetics, which studied the worldwide WiMAX market (define), equipment...
IPSec Vulnerability Puts VPNs at Risk
A UK security group has warned that several attacks against IPSec could render encrypted transmissions as plaintext with "moderate effort."
The National Infrastructure Security Co-ordination Center (NISCC) has issued a security alert for the vulnerability,...
AOL and Yahoo Sound Enterprise IM Retreat
Within days of each other, two of the three largest public instant messaging service providers announced that they'll be pulling back from enterprise IM.
Yahoo is dropping its Business Messenger IM Service and will...