How Much Is Too Much?

Seriously, the quest we humans have to store files might be getting into the ridiculous.

Consider these facts from the Huddersfield Daily Examiner:

An iPod classic can now hold up to 160 gigabytes of data (about 40,000 songs)
Some laptops can store 600 GB of data (about 160,000 songs)

If those two statistics don’t blow your collective minds, here’s one more:

Hitachi says by 2011 it will be able to produce hard drives that store up to 4 terabytes of

That’s about 1 Million songs.

I mean come on people! How much music can one person listen to in a lifetime?

And no, I have no clue what the Huddersfield Daily Examiner is. I’m guessing some English publication. Thank goodness for Google new alert crawls 😉

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