Sugar on a Stick v.4 gets sweeter with Fedora Linux

From the ‘Linux Spins‘ files:

One of the important things to remember with Fedora Linux is that it is a platform on which solutions can be built. One such solution is the Sugar On A Stick Fedora Linux spin which adds the Sugar learning environment originally built for the One Laptop Per Child effort to Fedora and packages it up so it’ll run on a USB stick.

This week, following the release the Fedora 13, the Sugar On A Stick v.3 release came out, codenamed ‘Mirabelle’. The Mirabelle release follows the Blackberry v.2 release that came out last December.

So what’s new?

Well obviously Mirabelle benefits from all the changes in Fedora 13 for stability and ease of use. On the Sugar side the new release is now making it easier for users to customize the activities/applications that run on the stick.

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