The Wi-Fi Interference Threat, Part 2

[Author’s note: This article addresses the concerns of wireless ISPs, but much of the information applies equally to any WiFi network installation. — MA]

Some newbie WISPs that simply throw their equipment up in the air and
expect other operations to contact them if there are any problems could
be in for a big surprise. Many of these ad hoc deployments exceed
FCC regulations concerning signal strength. Novice WISP operators end
up throwing money away because they build a wireless infrastructure with
the wrong gear.

These methods of operation are not the proper way to become a successful
WISP—they are, however, a good way to rack up legal fees, FCC fines,
and make enemies in your market. Wannabe wireless ISPs need to do three
things before they deploy their first WiPOP—learn, plan and locate.

Wi-Fi discipline
First, new WISP owners need to learn as much as possible about the equipment
being deployed. Each WiPOP is different from the next, every on-site installation
is unique, and sources of interference vary. Education, proper planning,
and frequency coordination with other wireless operations in your WISPs
service area are the building blocks of a truly successful business.

You will need to understand the difference between Direct Sequence Spread
Spectrum (DSSS)
and Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)
systems to determine which method of fixed wireless technology is best
for your WiPOP. Knowing which antenna to use for customer premise equipment
and your WiPOPs tower is imperative. Will a sector antenna work or is
an Omni antenna best for your location? Are amplifiers really necessary
for your setup?

You will need to be able to answer these questions in order to setup
your first WiPOP and get your WISP off the ground. Vendors are a great
place to start, but building a real system is different than theory and
vendors tend to be a bit self-serving. The ISP-Lists
are another valuable asset for learning about Wi-Fi equipment. You may
want to check out the ISP-Wireless
for specifics. But your best lessons will come in the field—expect
to get your hands dirty.

Game plan
Second, new WISP operators need to take the time to build a proper plan
for their service area. For example, who else uses the spectrum that you
plan to access? Check to see if there is another WISP operating nearby.
What equipment do they use? Do they operate a DSSS or FHSS system, over
what frequencies and channels?

Before I launched my first WiPOP, I used a mapping application and plotted
out all the other operators who used the 2.4GHz spectrum in my service
area. I noted their frequency range, as well as what channels they used.
In doing so, I could determine what channels they were not using and which
direction their signals were sent. That way, I created room to move my
WiPOP onto airwaves already shared by others, without disrupting their
services or slowing my deployment.

In one instance, another WISP was using Omni antennas in my service area.
This created a problem for me, so I asked them if they really needed to
use the omni-directional links. As it turned out, they had built a poorly
planned system years ago and never bothered to upgrade it as technology
improved. I offered to replace their Omni antennas with directional units,
so I could deploy my service without interfering with theirs. Remember,
interference can go both ways. If another WISP is interfering with your
WiPOPs signals, chances are good that you are doing the same thing to
their wireless system.

Sure, you’re anxious to get things up and running and start tapping into
the Wi-Fi dream of providing broadband services without coaxial or copper
lines. But taking the time to plan a proper WiPOP deployment means avoiding
trial and error testing methods. Specific methods to avoid include:

  • Wait and see: Do not deploy Wi-Fi gear and
    then wait to see if anyone complains about interference from your system.
    Even if they do express dissatisfaction with your testing methods, these
    are the same people that could bring down your system while they check
    one of their network installations. Don’t give your WISP a bad reputation
    by allowing your customers to be disconnected. The time to test a new
    system is when your current clients are off-line. Wait-and-see testing
    methods create hours of additional labor and dissatisfied customers—and
    that’s no way to start a successful WISP business.
  • Money-taker: Do not throw money at a problem
    without examining the consequences of your actions. Typically, newbie
    WISP operators add an amplifier thinking that “more power” will do the
    trick and correct the problem. This isn’t a situation comedy, you’re
    not “Tim Taylor” and this isn’t “Tool Time.” If you need to improve
    a link or strengthen a signal, determine what the issue really is. Chances
    are good, a different antenna or different position will take care of
    a weak link on your WiPOP. Throwing money away on equipment you don’t
    need is not a good way to start a successful WISP operation.
  • Bad neighbor: Don’t be out to get your fellow
    Wi-Fi operators—be a good neighbor. WISP operators that fail to
    negotiate reasonable settlements of interference issues won’t be in
    business very long. There are rival Wi-Fi providers that could try to
    put your WISP operation out of business. These are the same players
    who end up paying piles of money in legal fees, FCC fines, and associated

Quick-witted connections
After you have learned all you can about Wi-Fi equipment and 802.11b standards,
built your best-made plans to deploy your first WiPOP, and built a few
beta links—you’re finally ready for some customers. The final question
you must ask yourself, is where are your customers?

Try calling your local school district to see how they are getting their
Internet services delivered. Contact the local county government to see
if they could benefit from your wireless broadband program. Work with
businesses in you service area, speak at a local Jaycees meeting about
wireless broadband Internet, go above and beyond the typical sales pitch—and
start connecting customers to your WISP today.

In the end, there is much to learn about running a successful WISP. The
broadband service arena is there for all those who wish to deploy Wi-Fi
systems. It is neither expensive nor difficult to learn. Get out there,
make some money, have fun with it, but above all—don’t hurt anyone
else’s business in the process. We can all get along in the 2.4GHz spectrum—our
WISP businesses count on it.

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