Just last month, we reported that Apple iPhone users hit the 200 million downloads mark during October, when they were able to choose from among 5,500 free and paid applications available at the App store. That was just five months after the storefront opened.
Now, only 36 days later, those numbers have reached new heights: There are supposedly 10,000 applications for the iPhone and users have downloaded a total of 300M apps.
Seems pretty incredible, doesn’t it?
The numbers were reported by tech outlets citing Apple print ads in the New York Times. I put a call into Apple to confirm; no word yet if they’re correct or a misprint.
Let’s do the math (especially since it doesn’t involve calculus):
Five months @ 200M downloads averages to 40M downloads a month.
Five months @ 5,500 apps averages 1,100 applications a month
But the next five weeks saw 100M more downloads and 5,000 more apps.
I mean, I know iPhone users are fun people. They love the gadget. But 100 million more downloads in just over a month? And a doubling of the available iPhone software offerings?
Yes, I’m skeptical by profession. It’s a handy personality quirk in this trade. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some glitch or misprint. It happens.
But then again, I won’t be surprised if the numbers are on target.
Either way, iPhone mania isn’t ebbing anytime soon.