Continuing its campaign to make a name for itself in the mobile software space, Toshiba America Information Systems Inc. (TAIS) on Tuesday announced plans to introduce a mobility communications platform that promises to bring the functionality of a fixed office over a WLAN
The MCS will operate on existing IT infrastructure and common network management tools, but will require MCS-enabled client devices.
Currently in development, Toshiba’s Mobility Communications System (MCS) would provide mobile users access to the same data and voice communications they currently enjoy in a fixed office setting, while they
wirelessly roam throughout the corporate environment.
Slated for launch in the second quarter of 2003, MCS is built on Toshiba’s Internet Technology Supporting Universal Mobile Operation (ITSUMO). Using ITSUMO, MCS will support roaming throughout the business campus, as well as LAN-to-cellular roaming, while accessing data such as e-mail, as well as voice-over-IP communications.
“Today, we use our wireless phones, notebook PCs and PDAs discreetly. Tomorrow, MCS will deliver the true convergence of these devices to better meet the mobile communications needs of the business world,” said Chris Harrington, VP of strategy and business development at TAIS.
The company notes the ITSUMO platform will provide MCS with true voice-over-WLAN capabilities by extending PBX (define:pbx) functions while providing business class voice Quality of Service.
According to a recent report from IDC, Worldwide revenue for WLAN equipment in 2001 reached $1.45 billion, up 34.2% from 2000, and is expected to grow to $3.72 billion in 2006.