What’s next in mobile? Mobile vendors are bringing out new devices with increasingly regularity, but Verizon’s doing something that promises to change the mobile experience across a wide range of devices. As CIO Update reports, Verizon is stepping up its plans for the nationwide rollout of 4G LTE service for high speed mobile communications. And it won’t just be smartphones that will come 4G-ready; Verizon exec Lowell McAdam said there will be a range of tablets and smartphones at the January CES show. He also commented on the likelihood of a Verizon iPhone.
SAN FRANCISCO — Verizon Communications President and COO Lowell McAdam detailed his company’s plans for taking mobile users to the next level of communication during a keynote address here at the CTIA Enterprise and Applications conference.
McAdam said Verizon (NYSE: VZ) plans to make its high-speed, 4G LTE access available to 38 major metropolitan areas, covering some 110 million people across the U.S. by the end of the year. Boston, Chicago, Dallas-Fort Worth, New York, San Francisco and other major cities head the list. Over 60 U.S. airports will also feature 4G access in the same timeframe, he said.