Adobe Systems Inc. Monday announced that it is shipping Adobe Premiere 6.0, the newest version of the company’s digital video editing software. Adobe Premiere 6.0 allows video and business professionals to quickly and easily edit digital video on a desktop and publish it to the Web in multiple formats including RealNetworks RealMedia, Microsoft WindowsMedia’ and Apple QuickTime.
“The excellent DV integration in Adobe Premiere 6.0 allows editing at online digital quality — even using entry-level computers — and output to the Web is a snap,” said David Kuspa, Crescendo Productions.
“The most important new feature in Adobe Premiere 6.0 is, bar none, the ability to take a finished product and re-purpose it for the Web quickly and easily,” said Patrick Brennan, an independent video producer. “It supports delivery of content in QuickTime, RealMedia or virtually any other Web format, simplifying the creation and delivery of streaming video on the Web.”
Adobe Premiere 6.0 software also offers an enhanced user interface, new editing tools and integration with other Adobe applications including Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe GoLive. In addition, Adobe Premiere 6.0 offers several new audio features including an audio mixer and a SmartSound QuickTracks CD for creating custom length soundtracks inside Adobe Premiere.
In the United States and Canada, Adobe Premiere 6.0 software for Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows NT and Macintosh OS 9.0.4 is available at $549 for all platforms. Registered users of earlier versions of Adobe Premiere can upgrade to version 6.0 for $149. Upgrades from Adobe Premiere LE versions cost $199.
International English, French, German and Japanese versions of Adobe Premiere 6.0 software are expected to ship within the first 90 days of the initial release.