[Berlin] Dresdner Bank
AG is bringing a new purchase platform for SMEs online. allago.de is an hundred
percent subsidiary of Dresdner Bank. The Internet services will bundle
together orders for business and office equipment and technology for SMEs
and will thus be able to get bulk discounts for its clients. Wolfgang
Dambmann, business client manager at the Dresdner bank, commented in
Frankfurt: “In this way we can offer additional services to SMEs, and expand
from purely credit-based business transactions”.
The business aim of allago.de is to become the least expensive supplier of
office merchandise and services – the so-called “co-shopping” model shall
make this possible. At present the range of goods consists mainly of office
material, however, over the next weeks, the range of products should be
extended to include computers, software and associated services.
The portal runs on Intershops Enfinity, and by the end of the year the
intention is to have a total of 10,000 registered users of the site and to
generate a turnover volume of three million Marks (1,4 million USD) a month.
The next move will be an expansion towards a pan-European business model.