AvantGo Inc. Monday updated its platform
and software for both enterprises and consumers.
The company said its AvantGo 4.0 platform now supports a
wider range of currently-used wireless technologies including
GPRS, CDPD, CDMA, Mobitex and 802.11b wireless local area
networks. In addition, the company said the platform will
support Bluetooth and third-generation (3G) networks when
they are more widely adopted.
Specifically, the company updated its M-Business Server,
which wireless access to enterprise data. Besides adding new
wireless platform, the company said it improved performance
by as much as 30 percent. It also said it increased reliability on
high-latency, low-bandwidth paging and cellular networks.
The company said it also added self-registration capabilities so
that information technology (IT) managers could grant
individuals the right to create new accounts.
The company also updated its client software for handhelds
and Net-connected phones and beefed up support for Microsoft Exchange and Lotus
AvantGo 4.0 M-Business Server will be available at the end of March for Windows NT,
Solaris and Linux. The company provided no pricing information.