Communications chip maker Broadcom has slapped a lawsuit on wireless networking giant Qualcomm
alleging that its rival’s use of third-generation
patents violates U.S. antitrust laws.
The complaint revolves around Qualcomm’s Wideband Code Division Multiple
Universal Mobile Telephone Systems
Broadcom says that when international industry groups were hammering out
wireless broadband standards, “Qualcomm represented that it would license
its WDMA patents on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (that is,
so-called ‘FRAND’) terms.”
But after the UMTS was adopted, Qualcomm disregarded these commitments,
Broadcom alleges in the complaint. Broadcom makes its own UMTS chipsets that would
compete with Qualcomm’s, but it has been unable to work out license
agreements, essentially blocking it from the market.
“Qualcomm has refused to license to Broadcom on FRAND terms the patents that
Qualcomm asserts are essential for UMTS chipsets, and Qualcomm has used its
unlawful and anticompetitive licensing and exclusivity agreements with cell
phone manufacturers to undermine competition,” the lawsuit charges.
“We’re looking into it,” Patty Goodwin, a spokeswoman for San Diego-based
Qualcomm, told “We believe their allegations are
without merit.” The suit was filed Friday in U.S. District Court of New
Irvine, Calif.-based Broadcom seeks monetary damages as well as a permanent
injunction barring Qualcomm’s unfair business practices.
“Our goal is simply to ensure fair competition and a level playing field,
not just for Broadcom, but for the entire cellular industry,” Scott A.
McGregor, Broadcom’s president and CEO, said in a statement today.