What are the next enterprise technology breakthroughs? Companies like IBM continue to invest to make just such discoveries. Datamation reports on IBM’s new software development facility and the areas or research it’s targeting which include cloud computing and mobile. While these areas aren’t new, IBM will be looking to develop the next generation of breakthrough products and services.
IBM this week broke the seal on its largest software development laboratory in North America at a campus located on two sites in Littleton and Westford, Mass.
The lab will bring together more than 3,400 IBM employees charged with designing and developing new and more efficient software applications for enterprise customers.
“IBM views Massachusetts as an innovation hotbed,” Steve Mills, senior vice president and group executive for IBM Software, said in a statement.
“IBM is committed to nurturing the human talent and economic strengths of the growing Massachusetts tech hub. The IBM Mass Lab is a critical component of our growth strategy for the state of Massachusetts.”