For all the information people send back and forth over the Internet, the medium continues to suffer from a “trust issue,” according to Commerce Secretary Gary Locke.
Speaking at a forum on Internet privacy, security and identity issues at Stanford University, Locke announced that his department will establish a new office to coordinate President Obama’s National Strategy for Trust Identities in Cyberspace. That effort is due to culminate in the release of a report with policy recommendations in the coming months. eSecurity Planet takes a look.
PALO ALTO, Calif. – Speaking ahead of a panel of security experts and officials here at Stanford University, Commerce Secretary Gary Locke made an impassioned plea for government and the private sector to work together on solutions to better secure the Internet and allay consumers’ privacy concerns.
Locke also announced that the Obama administration’s National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) initiative will be coordinated by a National Program Office within the Commerce Department. The initiative is a push to establish identity and privacy solutions designed to make the online world more secure and convenient for consumers.