Competitors Gain a Little Ground on Google

The competitive search engine market carries considerable importance, because market share translates into ad rates and impacts where advertisers choose to go. So the share held by each of the three big players is watched with a very keen eye by many industry players.

This month was a good one for the competition, as dominant Google shed a small amount of share to rivals Bing and Yahoo. Will it change with a new traffic measuring system? E-Commerce Guide takes a look.

A leading Web analytics firm reported Thursday that soon-to-be partners Bing and Yahoo each gained a little share of the marker from search leader Google in June.

Search engine mavens at comScore (NASDAQ: SCOR) found that Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) Bing and Yahoo (NASDAQ: YHOO) each inched up 0.6 percentage points in June. Bing, the third-place search engine, now slightly more than 13 months old, was up from 12.1 percent of U.S. searches in May to 12.7 percent in June.

Read the full story at e-Commerce Guide:

Bing and Yahoo Gain on Google in June

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