Telecommunications carrier Cable &
Wireless Optus subsidiary XYZed
has partnered with service and software provider Lucent Technologies to build a national
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) network to deliver broadband access to
business customers.
Under the deal, Lucent will build, manage and maintain the initial XYZed
network, including the provision of equipment in Telstra exchanges and
customer premises, as well as performance monitoring and field maintenance.
XYZed will use Lucent’s integrated narrowband and broadband access
platform, AnyMedia Access System, to provide broadband services in key
metropolitan areas.
“The unbundling of Telstra’s local loop is a great opportunity for Cable
& Wireless Optus to break the access bottleneck for business customers,”
said C&W Optus’ managing director of data and business services, Stephen
Beynon. “We will build a new high speed broadband access network to deliver
a range of business products.”
The AnyMedia Access system will provide XYZed with the ability to offer
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), Symmetric Digital Subscriber
Line (SDSL), High-bit rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL) and Single pair
High-bit rate Digital Subscriber Line (SHDSL) services to customers in a
scalable application.
XYZed’s high speed access services are targeted towards high-end
business customers and will be marketed through wholesale agreements with
C&W Optus, other carriers and businesses from September this year.