Tacoma-based ContractQuest is looking to prove its worth with the announcement that home builder associations in every U.S. region have partnered with the company to beta test its new CQConstruction software.
The company, which provides wireless and PC-based workgroup tools and online communities for associations, announced 30 beta test associations, representing between 16,500 and 18,500 builders.
Home Builder Associations of Washtenaw County Michigan, Washington, Northern Virginia, Central Washington, Greater Cincinnati, Utah Valley, Massachusetts, Berks County Pennsylvania, and Upper San Juan Colorado approved the contract to initiate testing.
The largest associations represent members from the states of Massachusetts and Washington.
Each of the 30 associations will create teams consisting of 5 to 15 members to test phase one of CQConstruction.
Executives at ContractQuest are hopeful this opportunity will lead to long-term affiliations with multiple year terms.