High-tech financial information source
has become the first Web site in Europe to offer free real time
information on London, seven other European and three U.S. markets.
With another big story on Wednesday being confirmation of the
merger between the London and Frankfurt stock exchanges
to form the forthcoming iX, EuropeanInvestor.com’s announcement
was a timely reminder that Europe has consistently lagged behind the
U.S. in market news distribution for private investors.
EuropeanInvestor.com says the move “levels out the playing field
for private investors,” enabling them to keep in touch using
real time information just like professionals in the City.
“With this new free real time service, we are confident that
investors will have the tools they need to continue making
the most informed investment decisions on London, European
and U.S. markets and ultimately, to continue making money,”
said Thierry Holoffe, chief executive officer of EuropeanInvestor.com.
Visitors to EuropeanInvestor.com will have free access to real
time share prices on the following markets: London, Paris, Frankfurt,
Euro.NM, Amsterdam, Brussels, Milan, Switzerland, New York, Nasdaq
and Amex.
Another feature of the site is its multi-currency portfolio tracker,
enabling investors to track up to 500 personally selected stocks in
up to 10 different portfolios across all the various markets.
Up to now, free real time share prices have been available only
from a few U.S. financial information sites on U.S. markets, while
some European sites have offered similar information about their
local markets. EuropeanInvestor.com is the first to make all the
real time information available in one place.
Users can access EuropeanInvestor.com on the Internet and via
WAP and SMS services through EIC Mobile.